094881 61323


About Us

Enviro Care Engineers, Coimbatore is one of the best crematorium machine manufacturing companies in Tamilnadu and more than 15 years we have been supplying and installation our range of Gasifier Crematoriums, LPG Gas Crematoriums, Electric Crematoriums and Mobile Gas Crematoriums.

We have our factory in Coimbatore with necessary infrastructure to manufacture various types of cremation machines. We also have a team of service engineers to carry out necessary installation of mobile crematoriums. We also supply all crematorium machinery spares and attend all repair works related to mobile gas cremators.

Call us : 094881 61323

Our Services

Crematorium Equipments evaluation and break down preventive inspection

Portable Gas Crematorium

We, Enviro Care Engineers, Coimbatore have developed and manufactured a “crematorium on wheels “ and we are supplying...


Fixed Mobile Gas Crematorium

Fixed Mobile Gas Crematorium or Eco-Friendly cremation system is an upgraded version of our “Economy Mobile Cremator”...


Spares & Services

we generally, keep stock all crematorium spares and consumables. It must be also note that there are many items such as wet scrubber, ID Fan, Blower...

Words From Our Customers

“Mr.Easwar has done our GAS crematorium projects on time and his company services are good.”

“ Mr.Easwaran supplied and completed the Gasifier Crematorium before the scheduled time and done the trial run of all crematorium equipments.”

“ Mr.Easwar supplied and installed our GAS Crematorium before the projected date and our Lions Clubs District Governor inaugurated the crematorium. Good service.”

Get In Touch

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479 Lakshmi Complex,Pankaja Mills Road,Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore- 641 045.

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0422 232 1991,
094881 61323,
WhatsApp: 770 866 3252

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